Dear Mr. Brandon,
Here we are, your fifth birthday. I really cannot believe both of us have survived up to this point, and we still have smiles on our faces...most days.
Four was a very big year for you. This year you got a new brother, and despite my nervousness, you seamlessly became a loving and protective big brother.
You went to a 3 day a week pre-school and did, "Greeeeeeeeeat," (at least that's what the teacher hesitantly told me every time I asked how you were doing).
You enjoy going to church and sitting with the Plummers (and their ipad), visiting all the ladies that give you candy, and petting Molly, the dog, after the service.
You learned how to identify numerals like 1 or 7 and that made the math nerd in me so proud.
You read your first words like cat, ran, velociraptor, and hop (I might be lying about one of those words).
You got three stars on most of the levels of Angry Birds.
You wore a pair of camouflage rain boots almost everyday for six months.
You stayed in Georgia with Mimi and Poppy for a week all by yourself, and got to enjoy being the center of the universe.
You made it through Awanas and got a ribbon for "participating" thanks to my forgetfulness to help you with your verses.
You lost your first tooth in typical Brandon fashion.
You love to wear blue jeans, often wearing them to bed, and I have to force you to wear shorts. In fact, the other day I heard Shad...ahem...Dad threaten you when you were misbehaving by saying, "If you don't obey, you are wearing shorts."
You are still a terribly picky eater, but you are starting to try new things.
You asked Jesus into your heart and I was so thrilled to be their to hear your sweet little prayer.
Your favorite place to eat is Chickfila, four years and running.
Your favorite line when you get in trouble is, "But Mooooom, I was just haffin' fun!"
You have no concept of your age and you seem completely unintimidated by older kids and adults.
You hate, HaTe, HATE to color in the lines (literally and figuratively).
You experienced your first earthquake. In fact, the moment it first started, you were on the toilet. Now I know that there are a ton of jokes I could make right here, but you more than anyone know that crude jokes make me gag so I will just leave that up to you.[insert "I was on the toilet and an earthquake" started joke here]
You have a big imagination that reminds me of my own.
Your mischievous little smile makes me nervous of what you are thinking and melts my heart all at the same time.
You have me wrapped around your finger.
Five years ago today, I held you in my arms for the first time, and on that day I knew I loved you, but I had no idea of the fun and sparkle you would bring into my life. I love you and the little man you are becoming. Happy birthday B!