B - "Mom, is tonight today, or is tonight tomorrow?"
me - "uuuhhhh, it's today, but part of it is actually tomorrow. "
B - "Mom, is Mamaw my grandma or your grandma?"
me- "Both."
B- "Mom, was Collin on top of me when I was in your belly?"
me- "Hey B, is that a tractor over there?" (there are some questions I am not ready for right now.)
His all-time favorite type of question though is the, "How old do I have to be" question.
B- "Mom, how old do I have to be to have a real gun?"
me- "25"
B- "Mom, how old do I have to be to drive a motorcycle?"
me- "25"
B- "Mom, how old do I have to be to catch a fox with my bare hands?" (we had just watched The Call of the Wildman)
me- "25"
B- "Mom, how old do I have to be to drink soda?"
me- "25"
B- "Mom, how old do I have to be to wear a knife on my belt like the guys in Home Depot."
me- "25"
B- "Mom, how old do I have to be to get married?"
me- "25"
He hasn't caught on yet that I always answer, "25." Someday, he will, but probably not until he's 25.
All Boy! Love you #3s#1. His most important question is "How old do I have to be so I can move to Georgia?"