Each week, I love the two and a half hours I get all to myself while I mow the yard, and Shad thinks I'm awesome for doing it. Everyone wins!
For the past several weeks though, I have made an enemy while I cut the grass, the pine cone.
Every week, I make the turn around a particular tree only to be whacked smack dab in the forehead by these pine cones. I know that doesn't sound too painful, but these pine cones are filled with lead. Seriously! My forehead still hurts where I got whacked last time I cut the grass.
I realize the simplest solution would be just to pull the pine cones down, but I have never been one for the simple solutions. Every week I have the same inner dialogue....
ow! Dumb pine cones hit me again!
I'm going to pull them off of the tree. Problem solved.
Wait! I should see if I remember these pine cones are here next week. I'll remember and I won't get hit.
Yes, it's a weird twisted game that I play against myself. Will I remember the lead filled pine cones? So far the score is......
Pine cones - 7
Stephanie - 0
Every stinkin' single week, I forget, and every week I come around that corner and whack my forehead. Maybe since, I am writing this post I will remember next week.
I don't know why I am doing this strange competition with myself? Maybe it's because I have become so forgetful since I have had kids and I want to prove I still have a brain. Maybe it's just that I am super competitive. All I know is that next week, I will win, but if you see me with a bruise in the middle of my forehead....don't ask.
Because of you hitting the house and your brother tearing up every one of my lawnmowers, I prefer to mow my own grass. I have found it to be way cheaper in the long run. Pops aka #3