Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Project Life: November 22- 28

I hope ya'll had a good Thanksgiving. Here's this weeks pictures. Again if you want to join in or view other Project Life projects just go to The Mom Creative.

November 22- This is my favorite picture of this week. This was right when my dad got into town. I love that look on B's face. He's so proud to have his Poppy.

November 23- Poppy and the boys

November 24- Collin's first trip to the Waffle House!!! Here's a sad fact: For some reason, I cannot remember to get a picture of Collin at his "first" church service, but I got a picture of his first trip to Waffle House.

November 25- Since we won't see my parents at Christmas, we had Christmas on Thanksgiving. This is Brandon opening Collin's presents from my parents. He must be thinking, "You snooze you loose kid!"

November 27- B's Uncle Chad sent him and Collin John Deere boots. (Yes, he has them on the wrong feet.) Ever since he got them B has shown everyone his John Deere "bootsis" as he calls them. Maybe these will replace the rain...I mean construction boots.

November 27 (again)- No, Shad does not have Collin in a choke hold. He's just burping him. Don't you just love that hat!

November 28 - Shad spotted this bald eagle on our way to church. We had to pull over and take a picture! Then while we were eating after church, Shad said, "We didn't get pictures of Collin at church again!" I will not forget next Sunday. I will not forget next Sunday! I WILL NOT FORGET NEXT SUNDAY!!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Blessing #12- Christmas Music

I love Christmas music! Every year after Thanksgiving, I find a station that plays all Christmas music, and keep it there for the entire season. Every year there seems to be one song that sticks out for that year.

One year during middle school, I loved Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer so much that I memorized every word. I thought this would impress people, but it didn't. Life Lesson 54,856: Learning every word to certain songs, for example Who Let the Dogs Out, The Macarena, and Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer is not impressive, but sad.

More recent songs of the year include Christmas Offering , and Christmas Time is Here, Merry Christmas (This isn't the traditional song. It's written by a dad about his adoptive daughter that is still in China. Click on the song title if you want to listen to it.)

I still haven't found a song of the year for this year, but it will show up eventually.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Give Me Five Friday- Happy Birthday Mom!

If you've missed it, here's the short version of Give me Five Friday. I like making lists. Every Friday I'll make a list. The only rule is it has to be five things.

Today is my mom's birthday! She has been with me for the past three weeks since Collin's birth. She just left yesterday. During all this craziness, I did not even get her a card. So to try and make up for it, I will give the perfect gift for any mother from her adult daughter.

{five times my mom was right}

1. When I was 12, my mom and I were walking into walmart. A car lost control and came careening through the parking lot. My mom ran to the left. I should have followed my mom, but I ran to the right...directly into the path of the car. Even in my ignorance though, the Lord protected me and I jumped (or maybe tripped) behind a brick pillar that stopped the car.

2. When I was a teenager, my mom said, "I think you should be a teacher. You have a way with kids." I laughed and thought she had lost her mind. In fact, I even said, "Mom, don't try to live your life through me." (that's a dumb thing to say) A few years later I had to eat crow when I called her to tell her I changed my major from math to math education. I just started the conversation with, "You were right." I didn't know how right she was until I started teaching. Teaching is not just a job but my passion. Surprisingly, she saw it even before I did.

3. While I was in college, my Papaw passed away after fighting a brain tumor. A few days before he passed away, my mom called me at college and said, "You should call your Papaw today. He's having a good day" I thought I was too busy and just forgot about it. That day was his last day of consciousness, and I truly regret not calling him.

4. When we went to get my wedding dress, I picked out several dresses to try on and my mom picked out one. As soon as I saw it I said, "Mom, I will try that dress on just to be nice, but I really don't like it." I put the dress on half heartedly, but as soon as I saw myself in the mirror I was astonished. The dress looked amazing! Let me restate that, I looked amazing in the dress. It was perfect! I couldn't believe it. Who knew my mom had good taste?

5. Right before I had Collin my mom mentioned that she might stay until Thanksgiving. I didn't think that would be necessary so I told her we would play it by ear. While we were in the delivery room and I was having complications, I just looked at her and said, "Mom, I need you to stay all three weeks." She has been amazing during this time. What has she done? She has cleaned my house, done countless loads of laundry, cooked meals, loved on my boys, changed diapers, given baths, driven me everywhere, made me tons of decaf tea, organized my house, hung pictures, and even took me to get a new outfit on the day nothing fit right. She basically took care of me and let me recover. I've cherished our time, and will always be grateful to her for it.

So there you go mom, five times you were right. Now I wouldn't go so far as to say I was wrong. I'm just saying you were right. Happy Birthday!

Blessing #11- The Van

I have recently become a "mom." You may have thought I already was a mom, but I wasn't. One becomes a "mother" when they birth or adopt a child. One becomes a "mommy" when someone calls you mommy. However, one becomes a "mom" when she gets a minivan and she's happy about it.

It all started soon after B was born. We needed a car, and Shad suggested that we get a van. "NOoOoOoOo!!! I hate those things. I don't want to be that person yet." You see, I was too cool and too young for a van. Now, the irony is I own an accordion that I have named Beulah, but I thought I was too cool for the van. Here's a self portrait to prove it.

So we got a four door sedan, but as soon as I got pregnant with Collin, I knew I'd made a mistake. Suddenly, a van was not "uncool" but practical and necessary.

Around this time, my parents decided to sell the 1967 Volkswagen Beetle we restored when I was 15. I loved the car very much. Every detail from the floor mats to the paint color my family picked together. I grieved the loss for sometime, but I took comfort in the fact that it went to a great home that loved it very much. My parents did not say why they sold the Volkswagen, but I assumed they needed the space in there driveway. If you know them, then you know that's a very valid reason for them to sell a car.

One day, I called my parents and mentioned we were looking at a van. "You don't need that," they said. I didn't think much of it, but they called back later. My dad told me, "You need a better van than that." I said, "Yes, in a perfect world." He answered back, "Well today the world is perfect!" He then went on to explain they'd sold the Bug to rebuild the engine in this van they'd found for us. I couldn't believe it. I pulled over and cried. The van is such a BIG blessing for me. Oh, and by the way, the van is no longer uncool. I've decided to try and make the van look cool! Maybe I should put the accordion in it!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Curse #4- Mother of the Year

Is there a "Mother of the Year" award? Well, if there is I must submit my entry. Here is why I should be "Mother of the Year."

Yesterday, B was with my parents, so it was a Collin and mommy day all day. Only one child, that should be easy, right? I went to the guest house for a quick five minute trip to switch out some laundry out. I cut off the van, (I have a van now! I'll tell you about that on another post.) closed my door, and jumped out. I went to open Collin's door, but it was locked. I tried the driver's door, but it was locked. There must be something about leaving your keys in the ignition that made the door stay locked even when I got out.

Now, while this was going on, Collin woke up and was screaming his head off! My phone was in the van, so I ran up to the barn. "Ran" may be overstating it some. I felt like I was running like the wind, but it probably looked more like a slow jog. A kind person let me call Shad on their phone, and in the calmest way I could, I said, "I've locked the keys inside the van. Collin's inside too. Please get the extra key at the house on the key rack." Shad's calmly replied, "Are you at the guest house?" Oh yeah, minor detail. I was so focused on staying calm, I forgot to mention where I was.

I ran back to the car and realized Collin was quiet. I was suddenly frightened wondering if he was okay. I peered through the window, and was happy to see him soundly sleeping. I stood by the car as it started to drizzle, and waited for Shad. Collin started to wake up, so I pushed up against the van making it rock back and forth. Who knows what people would have thought if they saw me. Fortunately, Shad pulled up and saved the day!

Now, that may not sound impressive. It happens. However, the sad part is I did the same thing when Brandon was about a year old. That time I had to call 911, and the police came to open it. That time, I was so upset when I realized what happened that I hit the door setting off the alarm system. I didn't do that this time. See, I'm learning.

So "Mother of the Year" judges there's my qualifications. I'll be looking for my trophy in the mail.

Project Life: November 17 - 21

Here's this weeks pictures. Again if you want to join in or view other Project Life projects just go to The Mom Creative. We are still transitioning into two kid land, but we are doing great.

Monday, November 17- I think B is really warming up to his new brother. He seems so protective of him. Every so often though, I catch him talking to him like this. By the way, I LOVE this picture!

Monday, November 17 (again)- I just love this picture too! I can't believe God made me the mom of two BOYS!

Tuesday, November 18- B was running in preschool, fell, and hit his face on a table. All boy. All the time.

Wednesday, November 19- I forget what they were watching, but this is a good picture of my mom blissfully happy.

Thursday, November 20- Collin got his first full bath on this day (no more umbilical chord!). This picture was afterwards. I think he was still in shock.

Friday, November 21- We were putting on B's pajamas. We thought it was so funny when his pants got pulled up, then B decided to finish his outfit with a bucket on his head. I'll save this pic for the "future girlfriend file."

Saturday, November 22- No Picture

Sunday,November 21- I forgot to take pictures at church again!!! Collin's going to be 12 before I get pictures of him at a church service. Anyway, we put this up on Sunday. It turned out looking really good.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Give Me Five Friday- Thanksgiving Foods

If you've missed it, here's the short version of Give me Five Friday. I like making lists. Every Friday I'll make a list. The only rule is it has to be five things.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Today, I'd like to share with you my essential Thanksgiving foods.

{five most important Thanksgiving foods}

1. Turkey- I'm not prejudice, ham can hang out on the table, just make sure turkey is on there.

2. Sweet Tea- I'm southern through and through. Isn't this a given? Shouldn't sweet tea be on every table at every meal?

3. Sweet Potato Souffle- Oh how I love this dish! I'm a pecan and brown sugar person, not a marshmallow person. Suggestion: Try dipping ham in sweet potato souffle. They are great friends!

4. Pumpkin Pie- I prefer sweet potato pie, but there's already a sweet potato dish on here. I didn't want to overdue it.

5. Dressing- Stuffing - Whatever you want to call it, I love it. But please, please don't put giblet gravy on it. I have a deep fear of hard boiled eggs. They just turn my stomach.

Hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving!

Curse #3- The One Time He's Really Sick

In the 9 years I have known Shad he has never ever had a stomach virus. He has had shingles, back troubles, and sinus infections, but never ever a stomach virus, that was until this week. The nasty stomach virus that's been going through our family caught up with Shad on Tuesday.

Now he's "thought" he had food poisoning, at least once a week. One of his all time favorite lines is, "Does this looked cooked to you?" I have learned that the answer is always, "No, it doesn't look cooked." This may sound crazy, but if he does eat it, he will say that his stomach hurts for the next three hours. It's just easier to say it's not cooked than to deal with the food poisoning claims the entire next day. So the other night when he started complaining about his stomach, I did not take it that seriously. I even made a few jokes about it. Then in the middle of the night he started getting sick. After the first time, he said, "See I told you I was sick!" I told him, "Sorry, but it's like the boy who cried wolf." Shad hated being sick, but he loved being justified.

Oh I almost forgot! Right after telling me, "I told you I was sick," the next line out of his mouth was, "Do you think it's food poisoning?"

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Project Life: November 8 - 14

Here's our Project Life pictures for this week. This week was full of changes and excitement, but it definitely wasn't boring.

November 8- Last moments in the NICU. We were tired, but glad to be going home!

November 8 (again)- Collin goes home! As they were wheeling us out, B wanted to hold onto the side of the wheelchair. The hospital worker was very nice and walked slower so he could. It was a really sweet moment for me. One of my first with my TWO boys!

November 9- Oh those eyes! What are they saying? I wish I knew. They just look like trouble.

November 10- Collin came home Monday, and B got a stomach virus on Tuesday afternoon. That's right, the day after! B is recovering by watching a movie in this picture, while Collin is getting some sun for jaundice. (His expression looks so happy to be getting that sun) Shad is looking up stuff he found in Goodwill on ebay to see if it is valuable.

November 11- This is another picture B took. I can tell you what Collin is thinking, "Personal space kid. Personal space!"

November 12- no picture

November 13- So much confidence and ego in one room! They were just going to the post office, but they did it with style.

November 13 (again)- I caught him midyawn. It looks like a smile. Oh how I love this little guy already!

November 14- We took Collin to church for the first time, and I didn't take any pictures. What was I thinking? I'll have to get some next week. Our landlord got Collin and B some presents. B loved his. This was the city he made.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blessing #10- The Beard

I never thought I would like facial hair on my husband. About a year ago though, when Shad started to grow a beard, I was shocked to find out that I loved it. I have no idea what makes it so, but I think he just looks handsome with it. After a freak shaving accident in July, he was forced to shave off the beard. I was out of town when this happened, and Shad chose not to tell me until I got home. I showed back up, jumped out of the car, and said, "I missed you so mu......WHERE'S THE BEARD!!!" I moped around for a few weeks until it grew back. Recently, when Shad had to get stitches in his lip, he told the doctor, "Be careful with my beard. My wife loves it." However, for some reason, he decided to shave the beard off this week. At least he gave me a warning this time and let me say my goodbyes. At first I wallowed in self pity, but now I have come up with a plan,

Operation Bring Beard Back

You can follow this pattern if you are looking to accomplish something with your spouse. Operation Bring Beard Back has three parts.

1. Conspirators - Enlist help from others! The day after Shad shaved his beard, B was praying over our food. He ended his prayer with, "And be with daddy's beard and help it to grow good. In Jesus name, Amen." I didn't even tell him to do this, but I may have slipped him a piece of candy afterwards.

2. Complaining- This is positive complaining not negative complaining a.k.a. nagging. What is positive complaining? You focus on the positive (what you want to happen) and not the negative (what is not happening). Let me show you how it works. There are three steps to positve complaining.

Step 1- Don't just come out with your problem like you would in negative complaining. Get him interested.

Step 2- Evoke pity, make him feel your pain.

Step 3- Make him think it was his idea. Men are naturally fixers. If you have a problem they will want to fix it.

Now let's look at an example of a conversation using positive complaining:

Steph: *sigh* (step 1)

Shad: What's wrong honey?

Steph: Oh nothing. *sigh* (step 1)

Shad: No really what's wrong?

Steph: Well, if you really want to know...I miss the beard, because it was...you
know *sigh* awesome. (step 2)

Shad: Yeah, The beard was pretty awesome.

Steph: Totally.

Shad: You know what? I think I'll grow it back!!! (step 3)

Steph: Well, I guess. If you really want to. (step 3)

3. Capitalize all Resources- Use your facebook status to let the world know what you are doing. Or if you have a blog about blessings, name the beard as a blessing. That will guilt him into growing it back, or at least that's the plan.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Give Me Five Friday- Hospital Hijinks

If you've missed it, here's the short version of Give me Five Friday. I like making lists. Every Friday I'll make a list. The only rule is it has to be five things.

{five hospital hijinks}

While we were in the hospital so many things happened. God was really with us through it all. Today's five is a few of the funny moments in the hospital. Hope you enjoy!

1. While in the delivery room waiting for Collin to come, we were so excited to see that you could get internet on their tv. Shad decided to start googling images for world's biggest babies. (Are you kidding me? Who does that!!!) I was going to put a picture up for ya'll to see, but those pictures still creep me out. (Too soon, too soon) You don't do that to a woman that's hours away from having a baby. I was nice at first, but after about 10 of those pictures I said, "Stop it, seriously! I'm creeping out!"

2. There was only one male doctor or nurse in the NICU, and you could just tell by the way he carried himself that he thought he was the man. Shad and I were in the NICU at 12:30 at night feeding Collin. When that doctor walked by, Shad just looked at me and said, "Paging Dr. Romeo. Paging Dr. Romeo." I think it was the exhaustion, but I lost it.

3. When the doctor came in to tell me I was being discharged from the hospital she said, "ehhhh...You could still need a blood transfusion. Just keep an eye on yourself, if you feel faint or dizzy, call us." Doesn't that sound confident and reassuring!!! In retelling the story, Shad and I have elaborated it though and had her say, "ehhhhh...You could still need a transfusion. Just call us soon after you pick yourself off the floor after you faint. Make sure you stay in rooms with carpet in them so you don't hurt yourself"

4. There was a dad feeding his son in the same cubby area in the NICU as us. Because it was a gameday, this manly man had on his Philadelphia Eagles jersey. Shortly after feeding his son, he stood up to change a diaper. While changing the diaper, he kept the feeding pillow attached to his waist. That pillow looked just like this one.

We tried not to laugh, but the jersey and the pillow made such a funny combination. Then one of the nurses came by and told him how good he looked, and we all lost it, including the man.

5. We had some AMAZING nurses in the hospital. I have a new found respect for that profession. But there was one nurse in the NICU that Shad and I did not like so much. There were several statements that she made that made us uncomfortable. She just wasn't very sweet to all the babies. However, one statement put us over the edge. When she was talking to a coworker she said, "They asked me to write reports on 6 babies. They picked the wrong person to do that." She was going to be giving our son medicines and taking care of him all night. Shad and I looked at each other with eyes that said, "I'm not leaving my son with her!" We were planning out how we would be there with him all night when a nurse we liked walked in. She was working somewhere else and came in late to the NICU. She had been assigned as Collin's nurse for the night and took over for the bad nurse! It sounds small but this was such an answer to some quick prayers. We had to resist hugging this woman when we heard she was taking over. I got to go to sleep a happy momma!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Blessing #9- Mr. Wonderful

Last week, we had to be at the hospital at 6:00 AM to induce Collin. During the first few quiet hours, Shad and I had a little project to keep us occupied. In most of the blogs I read, the woman does not call her husband by his name, but instead uses a nickname. My question to Shad was, "What would your nickname be?" He, being ever so humble, gave me several "suggestions" that morning. Mr. Always Right, Mr. Amazing, and my personal favorite, Mr. Best Decision I Ever Made. (See, he's very humble. B took the picture below, and of all the poses he could pick, Shad picked this pose.)

Throughout our entire stay in the hospital, every single nurse or doctor that worked with us would, at some point, look at me and say, "He's so funny," "He's such a good daddy," or "He's such a nice guy." All this attention did not help my husband's inflated ego, but everything they said was true.

Like everyone, he has his moments. Moments where I have to quote my wedding vows over in my head. "For better for worse, for richer for poorer, for stupid and stupider!" OKAY! I may have added that last part, but it should be in there. Anyway, he has those moments, but so do I. However, the majority of the time he is wonderful. So if I had to pick a name it would be Mr. Wonderful. But I think I'll just stick with Shad, I don't want to make his ego bigger.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blessing #8 part deux- Perks of Pregnancy

While we were in the hospital, Collin had to spend two days in NICU. He had a fever, and they had to make sure it was not from an infection. I was still recovering on the third floor, and Collin was on the second floor. Shad would have to push me down to the NICU in a wheelchair. On one of those trips, my sweet and loving husband says to me, "Let's see if you can steer this thing." He then pushes me very hard and laughs as I angrily roll down the hallway. When he finally caught me I looked at him and said, "But honey my hemoglobin is low!" He immediatedly rolled his eyes and said, "Not again!"

If you remember in the Perks of Pregnancy, I mentioned that my favorite line was, "But honey I'm pregnant." Here's my discovery, it's transferable! Oh, there is no limit to the uses of this phrase! Just use the basic format of, "But honey I/I'm __________________."

Again it does lose it's power, but the key is to mix it up. Use a different word than "honey." The key is for your spouse never to notice the phrase. If they do it loses its effectiveness. I've learned that one the hard way. Shad has caught on by now with me, but he does laugh and thinks it's cute. I do believe there is a line where my catch phrase won't be cute anymore. I'll let you know when I cross it.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Project Life: November 1 - 7

This week was eventful to say the least. This week we welcomed Collin Douglas Lankford into the world! I did not get nearly as many pictures as I wanted to. Shortly after Collin was born, I started shaking really bad and my blood pressure dropped. It took four hours to get the situation somewhat calmed down. I am a normally a calm person, but I was really scared. I just kept prayed the whole time for everything to be ok. They didn't know why it happened at the time, but the next day my blood count was very low. I'm still really weak, but definitely on the mend.

Monday, November 1- No Picture

Tuesday, November 2- Voting Day! Chickfila offered a free pack of 8 nuggets in exchange for your "I voted" sticker. Of course, the Cheapy Cheapskates had to take advantage. Shad almost refused to take this picture. "How many pictures do you have at Chickfila on your blog!" was his response. I know, but I do love Chickfila.

Tuesday, November 2-again- Shad got out of the car to pump gas and had to take his 50% off candy corn with him. I had to take a picture of his stinginess.

Wednesday, November 3- Mimi comes to town. This was right when she first pulled up. Brandon couldn't wait for her to get out of the car before he said hello.

Thursday, November 4- In the hospital, waiting on Collin to show up. Notice the cup in the lower right hand corner. It's hospital ice! I loooooove hospital ice (it's like Sonic ice). I had about 5 cups a day.

Thursday, November 4- Collin arrives, all 10 pounds of him.

Friday, November 5- This picture gets me all teary eyed. This is Shad Lankford the dad. He absolutely adores his boys, and I think you can see it in this picture.

Friday, November 5-again- To all of the women that have the pictures where they look fantastic and glowing right after labor...I hate you. OK, that's a little strong, but I do dislike you. Because of the low blood level, I lost all color (what little I had). After I took that inspiring picture of Shad, he thought we should get a picture of me with Collin. Here's how the conversation went.

Shad-"Let's get a picture of you and Collin."

me- "No,I look like death warmed over!"

Shad- "Put on my hat, and that will make you look better."

Shad takes the picture.

Shad-"Uhhh...Maybe not."

It was all worth it for Collin though!

Friday, November 5- Brandon meets his brother. I didn't get a good picture of it:(:( But this is the present Collin got for Brandon. Brandon got Collin an alligator stuffed animal. I thought a camera may make B feel more involved.

Saturday, November 6- No picture

Sunday, November 7- No picture