When I changed out the receptacles in my kitchen, I felt like super woman. After that victory, I found myself staring at the fluorescent light above my sink that needed a new bulb. Did I really want to replace the bulb when I really did not like that light?
That's when I started thinking, "I bet I could take that light down." After a few phone calls to my dad, I took the ugly fluorescent down, and I knew exactly what I wanted to do. One of the first pins I saw when I joined pinterest was mason jar pendant lights.
After reading a few tutorials and with my new found electrical skills, I decided to try. What's the worst that could happen.........besides electrical shock?
One piece of advice I would give if you are going to try this project is to make sure the light kit you buy does not use poles, but has a nice looking wire that can be adjusted.
The shortest length in the pendant kit I bought was twelve inches, but a kit that uses a chord could be adjusted to any height.
Once, I finished the project, I stood back, and realized.....I really didn't like it. What? I have been thinking about this light for over a year, and I didn't like it!?!
Right away, I knew it was way too long, but I was unsure of how to fix it. I decided just to hacksaw the pipe in half and just have it not connect at the top. Yes, it's not perfect. It's rigged, but it's better than hitting my head on it when I am washing dishes. Eventually, I will buy the pendant kit with the chord and not these poles, but for now this is working.
When I painted the trim of the window, I was shocked at what a difference it made. It just seemed to make the light pop.
Yes, those are dishes waiting to be cleaned in this picture. I tried my best to get a half way decent picture of this light, but because it's in front of a window, the light was always to bright.
I tried taking a picture from the outside, but that pesky gorgeous sunset reflected off the window.
I love my new light! It's so much better and cheerier than the old fluorescent!