The last time I felt that overwhelmed, I decided to decorate the mantle to spruce up the house.
I loved displaying my glass collection, but it's been a few months and I was ready for a change.
Saturday, I started shopping around my house for what I could use for a new mantle look.
The last time I went to the Crumpton auction, I got this mirror in a lot with another item I wanted. (Collin is an expert photobomber. Somehow he managed to slip in this picture at the last second.)
I cleaned up the mirror, painted the frame orange, and I painted the mirror with chalkboard paint.
That's right! I said chalkboard paint.
Yes! I may or may not have a problem with my chalkboard addiction.
Everyone has their vices, mine just happen to be mason jars, burlap, and the overwhelming need to make everything a chalkboard.
When Shad saw me pull out the chalkboard paint, he said, "Not another chalkboard!" I just pretended like I didn't hear him and kept working.
In the end, I love the new look...
The other items on the mantle I picked from around the house.
I really like the new mantle look, and it's helping me to feel like I'm actually getting something done in the house even if I still twitch when I see the dining room walls.

beautiful #3s#1