Here is my first attempt at Project Life. It's a great challenge where you take a picture everyday. If you want to see the blog where I got the idea, just click
this. I've been thinking about doing this for about a month, and now we are diving in. I am so excited to start this. It was really fun this week. Shad even got into it. He would say, "That would make a good picture for the day."
As you look at this week's pictures see if you can see something (other than Brandon) that shows up in many of the pictures. I'll tell you at the end.

Monday, October 11: We have been waiting for the combine to come back for a year! This is on the farm where Shad works. Last year we missed it. B has asked Shad over and over, "When the combine comes you need to call mommy!" Monday, Shad called me and told me the combine was harvesting the soy beans. We had to make a stop and see it!

Tuesday, October 12: This is on the farm where the guesthouse is. About this time every year the Canadian geese show up. This is only part of them. I think they are telling their friends because there seems to be more this year.

Wednesday, October 13: This is B and Clyde. I'm nervous about B around horses, but he loves Clyde. He's finally learned he has to be slow and quiet around horses. Have I mentioned I love this horse!

Thursday, October 14: When I was little, one of the big events for me was when something broke. If it couldn't be fixed, my parents would let me take it apart. I loved to see how something works. So when B was taking apart this car that broke (maybe because he jumped on top of it) I had to take a picture! Can curiousity be genetic?

I took another picture for Thursday. After B took all the wires out of his remote control car, he tried to put them in our car. "I'm just fixing it!" was what he told me.

Friday, October 15: Friday we were out running errands when B started into his manipulation, "Where do you want to eat daddy? I would love to go to the Waffle House and have a waffle." After about thirty minutes of this, Shad asked me where I wanted to eat. Sadly, the four year old brainwashed me and all I could think about was Waffle House. I took this picture there. I have no idea what he sees, but I love the face.

Saturday, October 16: This is my current shadow at almost 37 weeks pregnant. I was walking and noticed it. I had to laugh, and of course take a picture.
Sunday, October 17: No picture
That was our week! Did you see what showed up in Monday, Wednesdays, and the second Thursday's pictures. It B's "concrete construction boots" (because concrete workers wear them). Don't call them rain boots, or you'll offend him, and he will make sure to correct you. We got them last week at Goodwill. As soon as I picked them up he loved them. He had them on his feet before we left the store. He has worn them every day since then except for the day it actually rained. Go figure! He's a complicated little guy.