For this reason, my mind is gone this morning. So for today's five is five blog posts I love. (Click on any of the titles to go to the post.)
1. Confessions of a Reluctant Renter - I am loving the new decorating site Content to Rent. This post is exactly how I feel. Some women get "baby fever" where they want to have a baby, but I get "house fever" where I want to buy a house, more specifically a tan house with black shutters and a red door. (I've had some time to think about it.)
2. Crate Stairs by Funky Junk Interiors- I'm not quite as "junky" as the writer of this blog, but I love...LoVe...LOVE how she incorporates "junk" in her house. I have a big weakness for old crates, and I love how she made her stairs look like them.
3. The Jesus Juke by Stuff Christians Like - You may read this, and not like it or be offended. However, this is a phenomenom that used to annoy me so badly. Jon Acuff put a name to it for me. I get really bothered by fake spirituality, but that another rant for another day.
4. Bassett Hounds Running: Northern Oklahoma Edition, The Pioneer Woman - If you can read this and not laugh, you are much stronger than me.
5. How to Be a God seeker, Ann Voskamp - I love this post, I had to read it a few times to get it (I'm not very deep) but I love this post. I read it over a year ago, but it often pops up in my mind as I go about my day.