Thursday, June 16, 2011

Give me Five Friday - {five things my dad loves}

Father's Day is this weekend, and in honor of my dad, I thought for this Give me Five I would share some of my dad's favorites. He guestposted for me here and explained why he comments on my blog as #3. If you want a sweet a touching comment, you just need to read his comment underneath Blessings #60.

Five Things My Dad Loves

1. barbque- I have talked about his love of barbque before. Honestly though, he's an expert.

2. Old Cars - Some people rescue animals, but my dad rescues old cars. He has the crowded driveway to prove it. He and my mom both have always gone to car shows, and thanks to them, I can identify the make of most classic cars which really impressed Shad when we started dating.

3. Local culture- He loves...LoVeS...LOVES to visit new places and find the best place to eat, or a unique local store. He loves to find out what makes a town special.

4. His motorcycle- Because he loves local culture so much, he loves to take his motorcycle out on backroads and discover new things.

5. ME! - From as early as I can remember, I have known that my dad adores me. I guess I've always known he was wrapped around my finger, but I never used that to my advantage...{much}.

Now as a parent myself, I'm paying for my "abuse" of him DOUBLE by being wrapped around the fingers of my two little boys. There's your father's day gift dad, from me to you...I am reaping what I sowed...DOUBLE!