Friday, June 3, 2011

Give Me Five Friday - {Pixar Movies Make Me Cry}

Cars 2 is coming out towards the end of this month, and it is kind of sad how excited I am about it. Every year, Brandon and I go and see the Pixar movie in the theater, and every year, at some point during the movie, I cry. I don't normally cry during movies. I didn't shed a tear during The Notebook (okay, I'm lying, I boohooed during that one). For some reason though, Pixar movies make me cry.

Every year, it's exactly the same...

Brandon: *whispering loudly* Mommy, are you crying?

Me: *hoOoOnk the nose* *sniff* *sniff* Brandon, just watch the movie.

Brandon: Are you crying?

Me: Yes I am. Now quiet Brandon.

Brandon: Why are you crying?

Me: Do you want some more candy?

Brandon: Candy!!!

{five Pixar movies that made me cry}

1. Finding Nemo - In the beginning, when Merlin's wife and gazillion kids die, my eyes got teary.

2. Wall-e- After he saved the world and Eva puts him back together, and he doesn't remember her and is just a robot and not sweet little Wall-e, I cried and said, "Why am I crying over a robot who doesn't even talk?"

3. Cars - When Sally tells Lightening about how the town used to be, and they sing that sad song and it shows the map and what the interstate did to the town, I cried and said things like, "Stupid interstates.I'll never ride on another one again!"

4. Up! - When they have a miscarriage, then his wife dies then he sits in his chair but she's not in her chair, and he's all alone, I boohooed, and fussed at Pixar for making me even think about all that during a nice happy movie. Squirrel!

5. Toy Story 3 - The part where they were all going into the fire and they hold hands made me cry. However, during a scene in the beginning that shows a picture of Andy as a little boy surrounded by all his toys, and then it flashes to him grown up, I wailed, and rubbed Brandon's hair and said things like, "You are growing up too fast!"

After the incident last year during Toy Story 3, I'm surprised Brandon's agreeing to go to another Pixar movie with me. I've seen the previews, and I'm really hoping this is a cry free movie for's Brandon.