If you don't like green beans you definitely need to try these green beans. I knew it was going to taste good when the recipe's instructions included, "Place green beans in bacon grease."
These green beans were a hit with my entire family. I mushed some of these green beans up and gave some to Collin. He does not like baby food green beans, but would you believe he loOoOoved these, but don't worry Mimi Manus he won't be eating these regularly. Even Brandon, my very picky eater, loved these, and Shad just saw that there was bacon in them and he knew he loved them.
When I was cooking this recipe, I realized that I have the exact same pyrex bowl that's in the picture of the cookbook. Did that make me excited? YeS! I first realized that I loved vintage Pyrex from the bowls in this cookbook. Now, after six months of searching and a close call in a Goodwill, I finally found a set for $2 at a yard sale.