For some reason, we kept at it, and have had nothing but wonderful birthday adventures since then. For this birthday adventure, we decided to explore Baltimore. We had driven through the city on several occasions, but we had never really explored it. the day did not go as we planned, but I think we ended up having more fun. We will definitely be going back, there is so much more to see.
Shad's sister gave us tickets to the aquarium for Christmas (Thank you very much Shannon). We decided to use those on my birthday adventure! I love this picture of Brandon looking at the dolphin tank.
You have to check in your stroller at the aquarium, but they give you a baby carrier to use. Collin enjoyed it, and even fell asleep in it.
We were riding on the bus headed to our car, but then we saw this "Goodwill Boutique" out of the window. We had to get off and check it out.
We were going to pose for a picture on the balcony of Barnes and Noble, but both Brandon and I got caught up in Collin. It was a really sweet moment that Shad captured.
This was not a posed picture. Shad checked to see what was inside this children's museum that was closed, and his little shadow had to follow him. My camera is always ready, so I snapped a picture of this sweet moment.
1 fountain + a little wind = lots of fun
After we gave this street performer some money, he asked if I had any requests. I requested one of my favorite songs, "Fly me to the Moon." It was beautiful, and my favorite moment of the day. Dancing on the street...or dancing at all is not Shad's thing (he can't clap on beat), Brandon refused to dance with me, and Collin was sleeping. I had three boys and no one to dance with. So I tapped my toes and sung along. When we walked away, he started playing "Happy Birthday" for me.
Poor wittle Cowwin was so sweepy. The boys were such troopers. We were out the whole day. Collin never cried and Brandon never whined.
On our way out of Baltimore, we took our time, and passed by CAFE EINSTEIN! I wanted to yell, "It's a birthday miracle!" Unfortunately, it wasn't open, but I did get a picture with the sign.
The day went nothing like Shad planned, but we had so much fun. It truly was an adventure.
You definitely have to go back to the Children's Museum. It is great. Science center is fun too. Check internet It has a family day and it is not so expensive. Just a little hint I am from D. C. and all the museums in D. C. are free even the zoo so include that in your plans. Brandom would love the museum of Natural History. It has an insect zoo and you can touch some of the terrifying bugs but kids love them. It has all the old tractors. It has all the animals that are stuffed and they can get so close to them. I can give you other places to go also in D.C.
Happy Birthday, friend. ;) We lived in Northern VA for 5 years and drove that way many times. Do you ever stop in Annapolis? We love Annapolis, too.