If you want to see more Project Life posts, click on the badge at the top of the post to go to The Mom Creative. Last week, I did not get to put up my Project Life post because of technical difficulties so here's two weeks of our pictures.
Monday, May 9- For some reason Brandon felt the need to hold my mother's day card up for cars that went by.
Saturday, May 14- Because "going to a concert" is on my 30 before 30 list, I went to see Franscesca Batistelli at a local church. (for free!) She was great! I love singing "I lost my keys!!!!" with the crowd.
Tuesday, May 17- I was working on a few projects that involved paint. I put some paint in an old baby food container and a cut out diaper box. Brandon didn't move from that spot for 45 minutes!!! He got a couple of dots of paint on the floor, but it was acrylic so it came right up. We will definitely be doing that again.
Wednesday, May 18- Collin learned how to sit up on this day! I took this picture, and right as I went to snap it, Collin started to fall over. I love the moment it got.
Wednesday, May 18- Collin sits up. He's getting so big, so fast.
Friday, May 20- Brandon cleaned his room without being asked. I decided to treat him to strawberry picking. He'd been asking ever since they put the strawberry flag out to show they were ready. He loOoOoves to pick strawberries. I gave him a small basket, and I told him once he had filled it up, he was done. He took off, and did a great job. He picked really good strawberries! Now, "picking strawberries" is my new good behavior bribe.
Friday, May 20- He's was helping me cooking, and by "helping" I mean happily drinking a bottle and distracting me with his cuteness.
Saturday, May 20- We went to a bbq festival in town. (Yes, it was awesome.) I saw this sign, and I knew I recognized it. I saw the guys that ran the booth, and I knew I was right. I asked, "Ya'll were on the show Shark Tank weren't you?" They were, and I had to get a picture.
Saturday, May 21- Last year, the house down the road had a live mariachi band for a birthday party. It was wonderful! Saturday, I was sitting in the house and I heard the trumpet warming up. I just looked at Shad and squealed, they're back!!! Last year I did not get to see them. This year we drove by, and I had to get a picture, and they were just as awesome as I imagined them to be...although they were a little more pink.
Saturday, May 21- In celebration of a live mariachi band, we were dancing in the yard. After a while, Brandon felt the need to breakdance, and utter cuteness followed.
Sunday, May 22 - A few months ago, I saw a pair of ducks at the church. Sunday, we saw the momma duck with all here ducklings following her. It was beautiful. For some reason, I get teary eyed now every time I see a momma and baby animal.

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