Shad and I both felt like we were making the right decision not pushing Brandon into salvation, and using our little windows of opportunity, but then Saturday, the window of opportunity became a door.
Shad and B were in the car when B asked, "Daddy, I need to ask Jesus in my heart to be my Savior so I can go to heaven." Shad turned the car around and came home to see me. He knew if B was going to trust in Jesus he wanted me to be there (he's a good husband like that). When they got home, Shad and I talked with Brandon, and then Brandon prayed the sweetest simple prayer and asked Jesus to save him. The next day at church, he excitedly told everyone that, "I asked Jesus to be my Savior, and He saved me!"
Both Shad and I agreed not to push him, but we were both astonished when he came right out and asked to be saved. I don't know why I was so surprised because that's exactly how I got saved. When I was six, I walked up to my first grade teacher at my Christian school and said, "I need to get saved!" (I was much more direct, and not nearly as eloquent as Brandon.)
I'm so thrilled that Brandon came to trust Christ early, but I wouldn't be fully honest if I didn't tell you that I am nervous. So many kids that get saved early struggle with assurance. I never struggled with that area, but I struggled with apathy. Jesus was just common to me. I saw Him only as my ticket to heaven, and not the One that I needed every moment.
You may think it's wrong for me to even think these thoughts, but this is one area that I don't want to mess up in parenting. Matthew 19:14 has really helped with my nervous feelings. It says, " But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Just like Brandon had simple faith in Jesus, I have to have simple faith in Him too.

Praise the LORD!!! how wonderful. children will understand when you use your windows of opportunity.... some earlier than others, and as parents we just have to pray and gently teach. this is how our oldest was saved-and now she tells her little sisters-sometimes pushing :) but she is in earnest!
ReplyDeleteThe Gospel is good news when we here it and good news when we receive it. It is good news when we hear of others who accept the Lord Jesus.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing, Pop
What amazing news for your whole family. Those nerves are all too familiar. And so I start to pray. I did not stop by expecting to leave a comment here about what is going on at my blog...but in light of this might be interested...we are praying for our sons. I can't remember if you did the 21 days of prayer the first time, but I am leading a group with Brooke.
ReplyDeleteBrandon, I am so thankful that you asked Jesus into your heart. One day we will all get to enjoy heaven together. I love you!!! Love, MiMi