I love numbers, so 100 posts has to be celebrated.
100 pieces of myself...well, technically, only 99 pieces (my dad guest posted once). 35 blessings, 12 curses, 9 attempted recipes, 19 lists of five, and 20 weeks worth of pictures.
What's happened in 100 posts? a Goodwill commercial, the return of Winter B, becoming a minivan mom, hypnotized by a baby, Shad losing his beard, Shad growing his beard back (after OBBB), and having a BABY!
Thank you so much for taking time to read my ramblings. Your words of encouragement mean so much to me. I'm so glad to have these 99 pieces of myself (and 1 piece of their Poppy) to give to my boys.Thank you for keeping me accountable. On to 100 more posts!
P.S. Remember how Shad called in to the radio and lost the "Ah..Um" game, and remember how much fun I made of him? Well...I called in the other day and played the game. I lost quicker than Shad did. I admit it (in tiny font). I lost!

Love to read everyday & see what's going on. It's almost as good as being there. #3s#1