I'm having trouble with my memory card and it's messing up several of my pictures. Boo! But here's what I do have.
Monday, March 14- This is my little man in his Pi day shirt. I made this for Brandon one year, and it fit Collin fairly well. It says "1/2 PInt" (I know totally nerdy, but totally cute, right?)
Tuesday, March 15- I did not post most of the bad pictures, but this one needed to be posted. I call Collin the St. Bernard of babies. He drools like crazy! This was after bouncing on his stomach for just five minutes!Friday, March 18- We sat down before B's nap time and watched a quick show. Both boys sat on my lap. I was blissfully happy, and saw the camera right beside me, so I had to snap a picture. I may have teared up, smelled the back of their heads, and said things like, "Never grow up!" "I love my babies!" Again, I MAY have done that. The show was really interesting. Can you tell by B's face?
Cute, Cute!! Love you #3s#1