Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blessing #41- Reading

I love to read! I've always been a reader though. When I was in the sixth grade, I had a little notebook where I would write down all the books that I read. I even had a rating system to show whether or not I liked the book. I think I read 65 books all together. ***Why yes. I wasn't very popular in middle school. Why do you ask?***

Now, as a mom, I still try to slip in reading time when I can. I love to get books on CD at the library to listen to while I work. Here's a list of a few of my favorite books...other than the Bible...that's a given.

Book I'm currently reading

Black Heels to Tractor Wheels by Ree Drummond. If you love to read the Pioneer Woman blog, you'll love this book. It's the story of how Pioneer Woman met and married Marlboro Man. I'm listening to it on CD. Last night, I had it on as I was working. I didn't think Shad was paying attention, but then he started asking questions about it. I think he liked the story.

Favorite devotional/Christian life book 1. One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp

2. Believing God by Beth Moore

Favorite Series

Redemption, Firstborn, Summer, Above the Line Series by Karen Kingsbury. (I found this picture, but I got all the books from the library.) I was going to write a description of this, but I think it will be it's own blog post.

Favorite Book Ever...other than the Bible

Fermat's Enigma- I could read this book over and over. It is sooooo good. What's it about? A math problem and the history of it, but the writer is so good and weaves the story together so well. Basically, he tells the story of everyone through the ages that tried to work on this impossible problem and how it was finally proven! A must read.***Why yes? I'm still not very popular.Why would you ask?***


  1. You are cracking me up. Yes, love 1000 gifts. It has changed my life, the way I blog, and the way I parent. ;)

  2. Very well written, and also very funny. #3

  3. This blog post is soooo you!! Love it!!! Love #3s#1
