Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Blessing #26- Actors for a day

We taped the Goodwill of Delaware commercial on Monday, and we got to be actors for the day. I know "actors" is a stretch, but just appease me. Here are a few highlights and pictures of our day.

1. At one point, I had to somewhat yell, "Shad!" The first time I tried it, I said,
"Sha-y-ad!" That was definitely a "I am becoming my mother moment" for me. I always made fun of her ability to make a one syllable word, two syllables.

2. When they gave me my accessories for my makeover, they gave me my favorite brand of purse, Kathy Van Zealand!

3. When they started to make us over, we weren't picky about what they did to us. The hair stylist gave me a Snookie bump (mine was definitely cooler than Snookie's) and Shad a feau-hawk. It was so much fun, and I loved how it looked!

4. My absolute favorite moment of the day was when Shad held up a Wiggles dvd and excitedly yell, "The WiGgLeS!"

Taping this commercial will definitely be something we will always remember. Thank you so much to the Goodwill team and Film Brothers Productions for an unforgettable day.

1 comment:

  1. Taping a commercial! How fun!! Thanks for stopping by my blog for Project Life Tuesday...
