Monday, November 17- I think B is really warming up to his new brother. He seems so protective of him. Every so often though, I catch him talking to him like this. By the way, I LOVE this picture!
November 9- Oh those eyes! What are they saying? I wish I knew. They just look like trouble.
November 10- Collin came home Monday, and B got a stomach virus on Tuesday afternoon. That's right, the day after! B is recovering by watching a movie in this picture, while Collin is getting some sun for jaundice. (His expression looks so happy to be getting that sun) Shad is looking up stuff he found in Goodwill on ebay to see if it is valuable.
{five hospital hijinks}
We tried not to laugh, but the jersey and the pillow made such a funny combination. Then one of the nurses came by and told him how good he looked, and we all lost it, including the man.
5. We had some AMAZING nurses in the hospital. I have a new found respect for that profession. But there was one nurse in the NICU that Shad and I did not like so much. There were several statements that she made that made us uncomfortable. She just wasn't very sweet to all the babies. However, one statement put us over the edge. When she was talking to a coworker she said, "They asked me to write reports on 6 babies. They picked the wrong person to do that." She was going to be giving our son medicines and taking care of him all night. Shad and I looked at each other with eyes that said, "I'm not leaving my son with her!" We were planning out how we would be there with him all night when a nurse we liked walked in. She was working somewhere else and came in late to the NICU. She had been assigned as Collin's nurse for the night and took over for the bad nurse! It sounds small but this was such an answer to some quick prayers. We had to resist hugging this woman when we heard she was taking over. I got to go to sleep a happy momma!
Wednesday, November 3- Mimi comes to town. This was right when she first pulled up. Brandon couldn't wait for her to get out of the car before he said hello.
Thursday, November 4- In the hospital, waiting on Collin to show up. Notice the cup in the lower right hand corner. It's hospital ice! I loooooove hospital ice (it's like Sonic ice). I had about 5 cups a day.
Thursday, November 4- Collin arrives, all 10 pounds of him.
Friday, November 5- This picture gets me all teary eyed. This is Shad Lankford the dad. He absolutely adores his boys, and I think you can see it in this picture.
Friday, November 5-again- To all of the women that have the pictures where they look fantastic and glowing right after labor...I hate you. OK, that's a little strong, but I do dislike you. Because of the low blood level, I lost all color (what little I had). After I took that inspiring picture of Shad, he thought we should get a picture of me with Collin. Here's how the conversation went.
Shad-"Let's get a picture of you and Collin."
me- "No,I look like death warmed over!"
Shad- "Put on my hat, and that will make you look better."
Shad takes the picture.
Shad-"Uhhh...Maybe not."
It was all worth it for Collin though!
Friday, November 5- Brandon meets his brother. I didn't get a good picture of it:(:( But this is the present Collin got for Brandon. Brandon got Collin an alligator stuffed animal. I thought a camera may make B feel more involved.
Saturday, November 6- No picture